Albert Lea Auto Repair

Albert Lea Auto Repair

(507) 473-4134
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
$50 Off Timing Belt Replacement
If your timing belt is needing to be replaced, take advantage of the savings! Not valid with other offer[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025
$25 Off Repairs
$25 off repairs totaling $150 or more in labor expenses. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other offer[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025
$25 Off Brake Service
Disc or drum brakes, resurface drums or rotors, new brake pads or shoes. For most cars and light trucks.[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025

Maintenance and Repair of Acura Vehicles

Acura was introduced to the North American market in 1986 as the first Japanese luxury automotive brand. You invested in a quality vehicle when you purchased your Acura. It only makes sense to protect your investment by giving it quality service from seasoned professionals.

Acura has maintained a reputation for producing high-quality, reliable vehicles with advanced technology and performance capabilities.  It only makes sense to bring your Acura to experienced professionals with the knowledge and equipment to properly maintain and repair your vehicle.

Keep your Acura in tip top condition with the help of the team as Sanderson Auto Repair.  Enjoy your luxury car as it is meant to be enjoyed.

Call our shop or stop in to schedule your service appointment today!