Albert Lea Auto Repair

Albert Lea Auto Repair

(507) 473-4134
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Preparing for the Summer Driving Season

Preparing for the Summer Driving Season

Warmer weather is on the way! Soon it will be time for those summer road trips and travel plans you have been thinking about all winter. Before you know it, you’ll be loading up the vehicle, corralling the children, and hitting the road. Are you ready? Is your vehicle ready? Do you know what should be checked before we enter the warm season? Let’s explore what you should look at or have looked at before you take the next summertime road trip. Tires - Cold weather and salty roads are hard on everything, including your tires. Check the tire pressure and fill them with the recommended pressure as stated on the driver’s side door placard. Tire pressures vary depending on the temperature outside. Check the overall condition of your tires. Look for weather cracks in the outer casing and the depth of the tread. The state minimum is 2/32” but we have found that due to the weather extremes and changing road conditions in Minnesota, 4/32” is a real ... read more

Breaker, Breaker Is There Anyone Out There?

Breaker, Breaker Is There Anyone Out There?

Breaker, Breaker Is There Anyone Out There? Since the beginning of motor vehicle travel, people have been looking for good ways to communicate between vehicles while traveling. Driving alongside each other and yelling out the window has its limitations. The US military was one of the first to start using radio communications to speak to troops in moving ships, aircraft, and vehicles. The original equipment was big and bulky, but it worked much better than yelling out the window! Radio communication made its way to civilian use in 1945 when the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) created the Citizen’s Radio Service. The early CB (Citizen Band) radios were UHF around 460 MHz. In 1948 the FCC reallocated the 27 MHz band for citizen use, making it easier and more affordable for individuals to use. The original CBs started out with only 23 channels, and you needed a license operate them. By 1977 the FCC expanded CBs to 40 channels and dropped the need for a license for operation ... read more



What Is a Tune-Up and Why Do I Need One?

What Is a Tune-Up and Why Do I Need One?

What Is a Tune-Up and Why Do I Need One? What do you think of when you are told your vehicle needs a tune-up? Does that mean an oil change? How about spark plugs or a filter? Maybe it means some kind of fuel injector cleaner labeled as “tune-up in a can”, or is it just a good inspection? It’s one of those automotive terms that can mean different things to different people. Let’s look back at what the term historically meant before we look forward to what it means now. Way back at the dawn of the automotive area, the Ford Model T was first unveiled in 1908. It was designed as a cost-effective vehicle that many people could afford. Introduced at $825, and due to the development of the assembly line, the price dropped down to $260 by 1925. These vehicles are simple in design but require significant maintenance to keep them operating at peak performance. With daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance schedules, the vehicle owner got to know their vehicle intimately. I ... read more



What to Know About Lift Kits and Suspension Modifications

What to Know About Lift Kits and Suspension Modifications

What to Know About Lift Kits and Suspension Modifications Is your stock vehicle just begging you for bigger tires and a lifted suspension! I get it. Some vehicles just look wrong when left in stock form. Especially when vehicles with big tires are everywhere once you start looking for them. It seems like it would be an easy thing to order up a lift kit and a set of big tires so you can be the coolest cat on the block! Just Google a lift kit for your truck and many options will likely pop up. Some of those options are much better than others. Do you know what to look for and what to stay away from? Well, you’re in luck because that’s exactly what we are going to talk about here. When you know the right questions to ask, you can ensure that you don’t end up wreaking a perfectly good vehicle and turning it into something you hate to drive. In most cases, vehicle suspension modifications will be required to fit those big tires under the vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers spe ... read more



The Truth About Minnesota Collector Plates

The Truth About Minnesota Collector Plates

The Truth About Minnesota Collector Plates Why would you want a collector, pioneer, classic, street rod, or military license plate? To save money on annual tab fees. The tab fee you pay every year is a tax for operating your vehicle on public roads, which is based on the age and value of the vehicle. The tab fees start out high and decrease as the vehicle ages. Collector plates, on the other hand, have a one-time tax fee and don’t require yearly tabs after that point. Each plate has its own specific standards, but all must meet some basic requirements to be eligible for collector plates. The vehicle must be at least 20 years old or of such rarity that they were made in limited quantities. You must own a vehicle registered with regular taxable plates that is available for daily transportation needs. That's really the basic requirements for collector plates. See Minnesota Statute 168.10 for more information. My buddies and/or the DMV people say that "You can only drive m ... read more



Can I Save Money by Fixing My Vehicle at Home?

Can I Save Money by Fixing My Vehicle at Home?

Can I Save Money by Fixing My Vehicle at Home? Bob says, “We can fix that wheel bearing next Saturday.” Which could potentially save you $600! Sounds good right? Who doesn’t like to save money? I know I do. The bigger question is, will you actually save money doing the repair yourself? Let’s start our story from the beginning and see how it plays out. You drive a 2010 Ford Edge, silver in color. It is your only car, and you use it every day. It makes a humming noise that gets louder the faster you go. You brought it to your local shop, and they told you that you have a front wheel bearing that has failed and needs replacement. They quote you about $650 to get it replaced. You freak out a little bit! $650 can’t be right! You look on-line and find the wheel bearing for about $25 plus shipping. Your buddy, Bob, says he knows how to fix it, and he can help you next Saturday. Great! You’re saving bank and Bob likes to be paid with beer. The only problem ... read more



The One Tire to Rule Them All!

The One Tire to Rule Them All!

The One Tire to Rule Them All! Is there one perfect tire for off-road? There must be, right? Just ask your buddies or the internet and they will all tell you what they think the perfect tire is. The one that is better than all the other choices out there. Personally, I think they are just trying to justify their choices. Just like the off-road terrain varies from location to location, so do the tires that work best for that application. Each tire design shines in a specific terrain or under certain conditions. There are some generalizations that can be made about each tire design. First, let’s look at the parts of an off-road tire, then we can explore different tire designs. Finally, we can look at specific tires that I have found works best on different types of terrain. Types of Off-road Tires All Terrain or AT - Good for vehicles primarily used on the road with only occasional off-road use. They work well on forest roads, unimproved roads, or farm fields. Generally goo ... read more



What Do I Do About Dash Warning Lights?

What Do I Do About Dash Warning Lights?

What Do I Do About Dash Warning Lights? Red lights, yellow lights, green lights oh my! Is your dash light up with funny little symbols? Do you know what they mean and what to do about them when they come on? Vehicle manufacturers have primarily gone to symbols to bring your attention to potential problem areas and to communicate information in a universal way. There are some differences between manufacturer to manufacturer. Let’s explore what the lights mean and what to do when they come on. Color of the symbols The color of the symbols quickly communicates urgency. Solid on lights or flashing lights also communicate a level of urgency. RED - Red lights indicate the highest priority areas of concern. They identify systems that could leave you stranded on the side of the road or for major safety concerns. Do not ignore red warning lights! Contact your trusted service provider and have red lights looked at right away. Do not drive the vehicle until after you have it ins ... read more



Is Your Vehicle Ready for the Winter Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready for the Winter Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready for the Winter Season? Welcome to fall! Cooler weather, changing leaves, camping, and campfires. In my opinion, the best season of the year! The sad truth is winter is just around the corner. Are you ready? Is your vehicle ready? Let’s explore what you need to know about getting your vehicle ready for colder weather. There are four main areas of your vehicle that need to be evaluated and prepared for winter. Traction, Vehicle Operation, Vehicle Maintenance, and Emergency Preparedness. Each area has specific items that need to be checked before the weather turns frigid outside. Let’s check them out and see if you are ready for the big chill. Traction More than just tires, traction refers to total vehicle control. Accelerating, stopping, and steering are all very important in maintaining vehicle control. Remaining in control of the vehicle is key to preventing crashes and keeping your family safe. Brakes, Traction Control, and Stability Control ... read more



The Hidden Truth About Vehicle Extended Warranties and Service Contracts

The Hidden Truth About Vehicle Extended Warranties and Service Contracts

The Hidden Truth About Vehicle Extended Warranties and Service Contracts As vehicles have become more complex and expensive, many consumers have invested in extended warranties or service contracts as a way of managing out-of-pocket repair costs. It sounds like a simple and easy solution, but not all extended warranties or service contracts are the same. It really comes down to the details of the warranty itself. Many car companies offer warranties to customers when they purchase new or used vehicles. New vehicle warranties are backed by the vehicle manufacturers. For instance, a 2024 Jeep Wrangler comes with a basic warranty coverage for the complete vehicle of 3 years or 36,000 miles. The emission system is covered for 2 years or 24,000 miles; 3 years unlimited miles for body corrosion; and 5 years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first, for the powertrain (engine and transmission). All these stated warranties are backed or covered by FCA US (Mopar). GM, Ford, Toyota, and other vehi ... read more

