Posted on 2/1/2025
What Is a Tune-Up and Why Do I Need One? What do you think of when you are told your vehicle needs a tune-up? Does that mean an oil change? How about spark plugs or a filter? Maybe it means some kind of fuel injector cleaner labeled as “tune-up in a can”, or is it just a good inspection? It’s one of those automotive terms that can mean different things to different people. Let’s look back at what the term historically meant before we look forward to what it means now. Way back at the dawn of the automotive area, the Ford Model T was first unveiled in 1908. It was designed as a cost-effective vehicle that many people could afford. Introduced at $825, and due to the development of the assembly line, the price dropped down to $260 by 1925. These vehicles are simple in design but require significant maintenance to keep them operating at peak performance. With daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance schedules, the vehicle owner got to know their vehicle intimately. I ... read more