Posted on 3/23/2023

It’s time to climb up here on this soap box and hold up a big red and white target. Time to dip my toes in the muddy water of LED lights. Just to clarify, this article is a matter of opinion, with some facts thrown in for good measure. Let’s get started. Are LED lights legal? Yes, no, and sometimes both. Usually if there is some doubt, we can refer to federal and/or state laws for clarification. FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) section 571 explains motor vehicle requirements and is currently about 1200 pages. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), and DOT (Department of Transportation) all have some input and regulatory oversight to those standards. What’s clear is that any modification to a vehicle that changes the way it was released from the manufacturer would be considered a violation of federal law. Unless those modifications meet the safety stan ... read more