Posted on 3/25/2025

Recommended Recovery Equipment for Off-Road Adventures It’s time to start thinking about gearing up for summertime adventures. Time to dig out your toys and get them ready for some fun. Maybe you are part of the select few that never put the toys away through the winter or your summer toy is your daily driver. If you wish to seek the trail less traveled, it is a great idea to be prepared for the unexpected. Let’s face it, none of us think we’ll get our rigs stuck or disabled, but sooner or later it is bound to happen. Having the right recovery gear with you can help you get back on the trail safely and successfully. It’s more than just the gear though, it’s about having the right gear and knowing how to use it properly. Nobody wants to get hurt or destroy their rig unnecessarily while they are out having some fun. Take the time to collect the right gear and learn how to use it properly. Today, I’m going to focus on some recommended gear, but I can&r ... read more
Posted on 3/17/2025

Warmer weather is on the way! Soon it will be time for those summer road trips and travel plans you have been thinking about all winter. Before you know it, you’ll be loading up the vehicle, corralling the children, and hitting the road. Are you ready? Is your vehicle ready? Do you know what should be checked before we enter the warm season? Let’s explore what you should look at or have looked at before you take the next summertime road trip. Tires - Cold weather and salty roads are hard on everything, including your tires. Check the tire pressure and fill them with the recommended pressure as stated on the driver’s side door placard. Tire pressures vary depending on the temperature outside. Check the overall condition of your tires. Look for weather cracks in the outer casing and the depth of the tread. The state minimum is 2/32” but we have found that due to the weather extremes and changing road conditions in Minnesota, 4/32” is a real ... read more