Posted on 11/27/2024

The One Tire to Rule Them All! Is there one perfect tire for off-road? There must be, right? Just ask your buddies or the internet and they will all tell you what they think the perfect tire is. The one that is better than all the other choices out there. Personally, I think they are just trying to justify their choices. Just like the off-road terrain varies from location to location, so do the tires that work best for that application. Each tire design shines in a specific terrain or under certain conditions. There are some generalizations that can be made about each tire design. First, let’s look at the parts of an off-road tire, then we can explore different tire designs. Finally, we can look at specific tires that I have found works best on different types of terrain. Types of Off-road Tires All Terrain or AT - Good for vehicles primarily used on the road with only occasional off-road use. They work well on forest roads, unimproved roads, or farm fields. Generally goo ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2024

What Do I Do About Dash Warning Lights? Red lights, yellow lights, green lights oh my! Is your dash light up with funny little symbols? Do you know what they mean and what to do about them when they come on? Vehicle manufacturers have primarily gone to symbols to bring your attention to potential problem areas and to communicate information in a universal way. There are some differences between manufacturer to manufacturer. Let’s explore what the lights mean and what to do when they come on. Color of the symbols The color of the symbols quickly communicates urgency. Solid on lights or flashing lights also communicate a level of urgency. RED - Red lights indicate the highest priority areas of concern. They identify systems that could leave you stranded on the side of the road or for major safety concerns. Do not ignore red warning lights! Contact your trusted service provider and have red lights looked at right away. Do not drive the vehicle until after you have it ins ... read more