Albert Lea Auto Repair

Albert Lea Auto Repair

(507) 473-4134
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
$50 Off Timing Belt Replacement
If your timing belt is needing to be replaced, take advantage of the savings! Not valid with other offer[more...] or special. Coupon must be presented in advance.[less...]
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EXP 4/10/2025
$25 Off Repairs
$25 off repairs totaling $150 or more in labor expenses. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other offer[more...] or special. Coupon must be presented in advance.[less...]
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EXP 4/10/2025
$25 Off Brake Service
Disc or drum brakes, resurface drums or rotors, new brake pads or shoes. For most cars and light trucks.[more...] Some restrictions apply. Not valid with other offer or special. Coupon must be presented in advance.[less...]
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EXP 4/10/2025

Service and Repair of Lincoln Vehicles

Lincoln Vehicles are known for their luxury, comfort, and refined design. Offering a range of features and amenities that cater to discerning drivers. With a rich history dating back to 1917, Lincoln has stood the test of time.

Your Lincoln deserves a team of professionals that understand how to keep you car in prime working condition with proper maintenance and service.

Sanderson Auto Repair sets the standard thanks to a team of certified professional technicians. We work on different Lincoln models, including the MKZ, MKX, MKS, MKT, Navigator, and more. No matter what kind of service or repair work you need completed, bring it to Sanderson Auto Repair and we will take care of it with ease. Come see us today!