Albert Lea Auto Repair

Albert Lea Auto Repair

(507) 473-4134
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
$50 Off Timing Belt Replacement
If your timing belt is needing to be replaced, take advantage of the savings! Not valid with other offer[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025
$25 Off Repairs
$25 off repairs totaling $150 or more in labor expenses. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other offer[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025
$25 Off Brake Service
Disc or drum brakes, resurface drums or rotors, new brake pads or shoes. For most cars and light trucks.[more...]
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EXP 4/11/2025
PorschePorsche 911 Carrera 4S (991) by David Villarreal Ferna, used under CC BY-SA 2.0

Maintenance and Repair of Porsche Vehicles

The history of Porsche is a story of engineering excellence, innovation, and motorsport success. While Porsche retains the image of a maker of two-seater sports cars like the classic 911 and 918 models, we also provide excellent Porsche Service to their line of SUV, Sedan and Hybrid cars as well.

Whether you are a daily driver around the area, or only take it out for the weekends, each style of driving produces a different kind of stress on the engine that has to be properly taken care of to extend the life of your car. Our professional technicians get to know you and your vehicle so they can provide you with customized care.

Call and make an appointment with Sanderson Auto Repair for the repair or service of your Porsche today.